What if we told you this girl was doing a sleep test?
We are so excited to be using the VivoScore ring as one of our diagnostic tools at Dr Levi’s!
The VivoScore ring allows your child to complete their comprehensive sleep test in their own bed.
It records the sleep quality, and duration as well as evaluates sleep-disordered breathing and sleep apnea.
We love that the VivoScore ring is non-invasive and can be conveniently done at home with no wires!
It is just one of the tools we use in order to really understand what is happening with your child’s sleep before forming a treatment plan to address the root cause.
If you would like to chat further about your child’s breathing and sleep, book a FREE Zoom or phone call below.

Testing from home has never been easier.
We're passionate about helping children & their families thrive.
A home test means you can track multiple nights of sleep, in your own bed. None of these hospital-like scenarios with wires and lights everywhere, we want you to get tested, in the place you normally sleep so we can decide together on the best next steps.
During the test, we'll measure:
Sleep Quality
Sleep Duration
Evaluate Sleep Disorders
Diagnose Sleep Apnea: Obstructive and Central
The rings from ViviScore:
Are comfortable to wear
Are convenient for Children and Adults
Can track multiple nights of sleep
Deliver fast and reliable results.

Dr Mark Levi
Pediatric Craniofacial Sleep Medicine
Dr Mark Levi has over 30 years experience as a Dentist, and over 20 years in Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine. He is a member of the Australasian Sleep Association, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and European Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.
As a former sufferer of Sleep Apnoea, Dr Levi understands the problem from all perspectives, and has the technical expertise to provide the best customised and appropriate solution to suit your individual needs.
• Trained in the USA by the world's leading Sleep Experts
• Often seen on national television
• Lectures widely

Do you know someone who is struggling with any of these conditions?
Lower IQ
Chronic Allergies
Aggressive Behavior
Mouth Breathing
Swollen Adenoids & Tonsils
Daytime Drowsiness
Crooked Teeth
Restless Sleep
They could all be linked to one root cause...
Dark Circles Under the Eyes
Frequent Headaches
Delayed Growth & Development
Difficulty in School
Trouble Concentrating

Dr Mark Levi
Craniofacial Dental
Sleep Medicine
We work with many specialists:
Meet our team

Clinic Manager

Clinical Patient Educator
OMT Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
Nutritionist /Naturopath
Allergy Specialist
A team of 14 specialists in America
Ear Nose Throat Pediatric
Pediatrician Sleep
Pediatrician Developmental
Pediatrician Behavioural
Craniosacral Osteopath